Devesh Sinha's coaching
transforms lives

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.

Taking care
of your life issues

We all know how life can be challenging and hard. And that there’s no answer always to all the issues you may face. I’m here to help you.

Devesh Sinha's coaching
transforms lives

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.

Taking care
of your life issues

We all know how life can be challenging and hard. And that there’s no answer always to all the issues you may face. I’m here to help you.

Celeste's coaching
transforms lives

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.

Taking care
of your life issues

We all know how life can be challenging and hard. And that there’s no answer always to all the issues you may face. I’m here to help you.

Consultancy & advicing

Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part friend, coaches work people helping them define and achieve their goals.

Problem solving

The trained life coach knows how to help you set the right goals, make more money, and structure your personal and professional life to achieve greater productivity with less effort.

Conferencing & talks

Coaching typically works best with a weekly call so clients have time to integrate ways of thinking, take action each week toward their goals.

Consultancy & advicing

Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part friend, coaches work people helping them define and achieve their goals.

Problem solving

The trained life coach knows how to help you set the right goals, make more money, and structure your personal and professional life to achieve greater productivity with less effort.

Conferencing & talks

Coaching typically works best with a weekly call so clients have time to integrate ways of thinking, take action each week toward their goals.

BEING HAPPYEnjoy your life

A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

BE SUCCESSFULLYour potential

Clients take bigger actions, set bigger goals and think bigger when they work with a life coach.


A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

FOR THE BETTERAccept change

Most people find that things start to happen very quickly after hiring a life coach.


BEING HAPPYEnjoy your life

A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

BE SUCCESSFULLYour potential

Clients take bigger actions, set bigger goals and think bigger when they work with a life coach.


A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

FOR THE BETTERAccept change

Most people find that things start to happen very quickly after hiring a life coach.
Many times in our life we feel stuck, demented and think where are we, what are we doing, what is the goal of our life and so on... There are times when we seek to get some support and guidance to go through the difficult times or to achieve our goals.
What we seek is a COACH. If you also feel the same then here is the solution of all your dilemmas and questions.
Let's begin the journey of rediscovering your potential, inner peace, career growth, self-love, healthy relationships and finding excellence in all walks of life.
There is a universe within all of us, which is divine and very powerful. You just have to unleash the potentials within.
“A life you desire to live but unable to, we help you to perceive the way towards it.”
My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life. Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.

Working together
for your better life

An article revealed a study where training alone was compared to life coaching combined with training. The study showed that training combined with weekly life coaching increased productivity.

BETTER QUALITY LIFE- A tremendous help for me personally to improvise my health and personal relationships. You have provided me with resources/exercises to help alleviate anxiety, build confidence, and love myself more.

A REMARKABLE, INTENSE CLEARING OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS-Yoga, Meditation, healthy food habits has helped me to be more patient and maintain positive behaviours towards people. Overall development of intra-personal and interpersonal obstacles.

RECHARGED MY CAREER PASSION- I was stagnant in my career. I needed a new start. You helped me map out a strategy and figure out where my actual passions were, and I ended up improvising my performance and career ,which is a far much better fit.


Route becomes difficult when you are unable to find any way-out and so are the unwelcomed situations. It makes you feel in the mid of scattered pieces with totally blank objectives to deal with it. Then comes the Life Coach in picture , become a savior. Sometimes your family members, partner or the even the closest friend can’t understand the mind state or may be you are unable to explain dur to fear of being judged. But with life coach you can express head tail with no fear of judgemental. As they say one lit is enough for a gloom, that one inspiration is Sir, who helped me to come out of my darkness. As a person you might be strong, expert, knowledgeable but some spot kicks you into your shell and then push is required to propel back.Sir is that driving force, not only career wise but also on personal front. When situation were bizarre his outlook changed not only my handling approach but also taught me to grow more as stronger person and still learning.


Thank you so much, Devesh…..Now every thing has been going so well in my life. I wake up every day with a big smile on my face.
I always “thank to God ” that you are my childhood friend, but now you are my path finder. “I can’t tell you how amazing feeling that has been for me. I feel comfortable and confident.
Last year I had family problems, those problems led me to depression. I lost the ability to make decision on my own as an individual. Now l want to thank you Devesh who has been constantly supporting me through out those odd days and helped me in my journey.
You came into my life just at the right time with your advice and insights, which helped me to find my own insights, and find my way forward. Your support has been invaluable. I feel so much better prepared to continue to live the best of my life.
Most importantly I am comfortable with who I am and where I am in my life. Now I am able to remove negative feelings and emotions more effectively than I have ever been able to. I am a happier person because of you……Devesh my life coach…..


When identifying a single phrase to describe my experience, my mind inevitably concludes that he is “a blessing in disguise.” With all the mental stress coming from huge transition in my life he has supported me as the perfect psychological reinforcement with his optimistic vitality and consistent support. His advice has tailored to my personal aspirations where he gives me one-on-one suggestions I am confident and that cannot be found elsewhere. I’m extremely grateful to him for that 🙂
He has enlightened me with all the tactics and application guidance I need to aspire myself and pursue an undeniably successful strategy. He has perfected his ability to form interpersonal connections with his clients, making them feel like his friend and constantly have them in mind. Getting in touch with Him provided me with an irrevocable amount of support, guidance and peace
He has also made me aware of the knowledge on how to situate myself in a career I truly aspire for.


We as humans always face challenges personally or professionally and sometimes we all seek help and there comes the need of a COACH.
Devesh is a compassionate, intuitive person and has an incredible empathic ability to help others, sort through these difficult or challenging circumstances. He helped me identify my goals and encouraged me to go after my dreams. His coaching has truly been one of the most transformative events of my life and I feel so blessed to call him a friend. Devesh you’re a great coach and I deeply value the time we’ve spent together . Devesh is a transcendent soul and I will forever be thankful for his role in helping me change my life


Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful life coaching sessions.
Since taking coaching sessions I have gone back to meeting people , contacting old friends. It has also helped me strengthen relationship with my family. I have gained a lot more than I expected from you.


Life coaching
in numbers

Before you start your coaching, you’re sure to have a number of questions about the journey you will soon undertake. Here are crunched numbers about it before coaching even begins.
0123456789001234567890                     %
Success for all clients so far
Setting and achieving goals and objectives
012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
Clients consulted in total
Making key decisions and designing success strategies
0123456789001234567890                     +
Certificates and awards globally
Finding the ideal career/work or business
0123456789001234567890                     +
Years of coaching experience
Communicating powerfully and succinctly

Latest news

Read our latest blog posts and find out how can you improve your life immediately.

Latest news

Read our latest blog posts and find out how can you improve your life immediately.
June 24, 2022by admin8
Mental Health
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Responding immediately is attractive because it’s very rare even though it seems so obvious. It’s so rare because most people procrastinate. In fact, you may need to upgrade systems, streamline, automate and change your whole manner of responding to people and tasks in order to provide an immediate response.

Specialization coaching

Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. If you want to attract wealth, success and happiness, then our Specialization coaching for you.

SPECIALIZATIONCertified Life Coach

Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

SPECIALIZATIONNLP Associate Practitioner

Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.


If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

SPECIALIZATIONCertified Organizational Development Coach

Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

BASIC COURSEStrong start

Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...


Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

Effortless success

Practice ultimate self-care and increase your health and vitality. People who take exceptional care of themselves attract extraordinary opportunities and people into their lives. Learn the importance of being blessedly selfish.

Work smarter, not harder

Align yourself with the energy that’s already out there. Attract success instead of chasing after it and stop struggling to reach your goals—you know, coming up with a plan, setting a timeline and taking specific action steps, etc.

Get started now
with life coaching

Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!
Monday - Wednesday
8AM - 7PM
8AM - 5PM
8AM - 6PM
Saturday - Sunday

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