Process of Slowing down
After my first blog, there were queries, where people just wanted to know the process on HOW TO SLOW DOWN.
The best part is, the realization to slow down. This is the first step towards any change. When you happen to recognize and realize a fact, your subconscious mind is already at work and unknowingly the process of change has already started. So Congratulations to all of you for this acceptance.
Now, let us come to the process. All I am asking is 15 minutes of your time in 24-hour duration, which I hope is reasonable, and you must devote this for your overall well-being.
Now you would wonder what is to be done in these fifteen minutes. I would say ‘” NOTHING- JUST NOTHING”.
In these fifteen minutes, I want you to be in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down, is your choice, but yes, in a place where you are not concerned about your surroundings.
1. Now close your eyes, and observe your breathing. Just observe, whether short or deep or normal, and keep observing. You will find a rhythm that is more pleasing than others. Keep breathing in that pattern.
2. Hear the sounds around you, try to concentrate on different sounds one by one, and try to identify the source of these sounds. Now, select and pay attention to the sound that you resonate with, the most.
3. Try to identify the smells around you. You will be able to identify different smells. Select the smell that you like and concentrate on it.
Now you are in a space where you are breathing pleasantly, listening to the sounds that are pleasurable, and smelling something that you like. All in all, you’re in a beautiful tranquil space. STAY THERE.
You may start with fifteen minutes, and slowly once you get the practice then do more, whenever you wish to. It is a simple, yet very powerful routine that does not require any external support. Even if you are in the middle of anarchy, it will still make you at ease.
In the upcoming blogs, I will explain the science behind this.