Mental Health
It was disheartening to learn about the death of our beloved singer KK. I happened to meet him about 4 years back, during one of his events. What a persona and what energy!!
Looking at him, you would think, “he looks damn fit”. Then …. WHAT HAPPENED?
Apart from him, we have been hearing about sudden deaths of various other personalities, and few even close to us as well at very young age or better to call it “at age, when it’s not expected & accepted”.
Physical fitness has been emphasized on a very large scale. There is load of information available on every possible platform. Infinite workout schedules, diet plans, health drinks, supplements, gadgets to monitor your vitals, health talks and awareness campaigns etc. and It is a wonderful thing. This awareness is good.
But why no awareness about MENTAL HEALTH?
As we know, Mind controls all body parts and there functioning. It is basically when we mess with our minds, the body starts getting affected.
Consider, your refrigerator is not providing optimum cooling, and it gives a bad odor. Now, you call a guy, get it thoroughly cleaned, washed externally, polished, some nice stickers and now it’s looking bright and shiny. You did all these, but did not get the Thermostat checked or serviced. Will it solve the issue? You all know the answer.
Exactly my friends. When we do not address the issues which is disturbing our mind, it will not regulate the body functioning. The diseases which are called as Lifestyle diseases, I would call them MINDSTYLE diseases as well.
We burden our minds with many past memories (mostly disturbing events), emotional voids, anger, frustration, anxiety of future (again mostly about what if things go wrong) and the affairs of day to day life. And then we expect it to function just as smoothly.
We pay no attention on how to keep our minds healthy. We make no efforts to give it some rest. We absolutely do nothing to give it some “PEACE”.
Thanks to our modern life style, loads of unnecessary data is being fed to our minds every single second. It is a rarity to find a person, who is found “Doing Nothing”. If nothing else, you will find him with his Cell phone, nothing more to say…
I want you to please give a PAUSE. Ask yourself few questions, “Are you in good mental health?”
“What do you do to keep your mind healthy?”
“How can you nurture it to function efficiently?”
If you seek, you will find the answers.
Along with your physical fitness, please do take care of your Mental Health.