
Master Or Slave

Master or Slave


As humans, we all have our beliefs and disbeliefs, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, and it is apparent in almost all aspects of our lives. It is connected to our belief system or precisely speaking, our Value system. As a matter of fact, It is deeply connected to our values. Every person carries such values in life where he finds himself deeply attached or de-attached to certain aspects of life. These values can be listed as trust, kindness, respect, sincerity, friendship etc.

Somehow during our growing phase, our sub-conscious mind gets deeply affected by our surroundings, family, people, friends and the events. Unknowingly we develop a strong belief in our values. In a way it is good, as it provides basic framework to progress in our lives.

Now the BUT comes. Slowly we allow our values and beliefs to become so strong that it starts controlling us, we take all decisions of our lives based on these values. This is the basic reason for people having conflicts and difference of opinions, two people argue / disagree because they have different beliefs and they feel they are the only one who is right.

There is nothing wrong carrying your values however, what matters is the MAGNITUDE of your value. Its starts becoming bigger than you and starts dominating you, it starts affecting basic peace and harmony of your life, it becomes your MASTER and you become SLAVE to it.

Introspect yourself. Analyse your life, you live in a fixed pattern, repeatedly do the same routine, face same issues, make similar choices, react in a certain way in given situations… list can go on and on.

Now when you correlate, you would realize, such events happen because you have allowed your values to take control of your life. You let it dictate the choices you make. You are no more the Master.

If you wish to live a peaceful life, in harmony, you will have to change this. You have to take control of your values, you will have to limit and restrict. Do not let it grow so strong, that you lose control.

You need to keep your mind open to accept and respect other values as well. Acceptance brings peace. You need to learn and realize that you are the supreme creation of god. God gave you analytical mind and you are blessed to understand events at deeper level. Open up yourself, its okay. Do not be in a self-created and self-imposed prison. Do not be a slave to your own thought process.

The day you realize this, you will start respecting others and you will have less conflicts in life. You will be more open to change and make better choices. Life will become more peaceful as you will be more accepting.

Be the MASTER…………..