Self Love
In our day to day lifestyle, generally we get occupied with the daily chores and routines. In addition to these, there are timelines to meet, responsibilities to look after, preparations for tomorrow, the Dos and DON’T s of the society, the rights and wrongs of the culture …..phew….the list never ends.
In all these chaos, there is hardly anytime left to connect with our inner-self. I wonder if we ever explore our real self. Issues or problems that we have with ourselves, are all fed to our minds by our own surroundings / family / friends and then we start judging ourselves whether we are good/ bad or even ugly. This is really funny in a way. As a creation of the almighty, every individual here is born with a purpose. Every single one of us, is born with a gift, but we let others decide what we are.
The gift remains, unused. At times our inner voices try to awaken us, which we keep suppressing, on the pretext that it may not be right thing to do in the present times and circumstances. When will we accept our self?
Loving yourself is accepting yourself as you are, with all the shortcomings, drawbacks (society driven) and at the same time, the passion, the gift, the charisma and the beauty within. Each one of us is blessed to be here. By loving yourself, you start to work on you and improvement starts.
There is a common observation that “Tendency to Criticize, is 8 times more than the Praise”. When we go through such criticism, we start to believe that there are many flaws in us. We start to change, only to be liked by others. In the process, we start suppressing our natural selves and start becoming what we are not. We start living in a world of illusion around us created by our own thoughts. It has to be stopped.
Is anyone perfect? What is perfection and who defines it?
There are no answers. So when there is no perfections and no one perfect, then why we try to become one. This process has no end, it will just go on and on, then why to follow this path.
Why don’t we just accept ourselves and everyone around us just the way they are. Who are we to judge others or allow ourselves to be judged by others.
In my last blog, “The process of slowing down”, the method suggested, slowly makes you aware of your inner self. Practice to sit silently, your inner voices will start communicating with you. Everything around you is worldly, insignificant and irrelevant. What is most significant is within. Connect with your inner soul and enjoy this blissful journey called LIFE.