
September 8, 2022by admin8

Probably one of the most concerning habits of people, which not only affect their day to day life, but also affect their future outcome. The disappointments, anger and frustrations, which an individual goes through and the way it impacts their thoughts, are worth considering.

We all know what Procrastination means. Each one of us, knowingly or unknowingly, rather, let us say consciously or subconsciously, select the task which needs to be done on a daily basis depending on the priorities and requirements. We select few and we postpone few. Its only when we reach to a stage, where we knowingly avoid or postpone a task which must be done or will have consequences, it starts becoming difficult. Slowly we become so habitual that we keep declined the urgency and despite facing consequences few times, we still do not improve. We always promise ourselves that now onwards, we will not repeat this mistake and yet we keep doing the same. This is Procrastination.

We know what we need to do to stay fit, to stay healthy, to be happy, to find a good job, to improve our relationships etc. yet we do not put these thoughts into action.

Today we discuss the WHY?

There could be various possible reasons for different people like low motivation, time management, prioritizing short term goal, cognitive bias etc. But beneath all these possible reasons, the root is “Our Beliefs & Underlying behaviours”.

A friend of fine planned a holiday. He knew he must book tickets and accommodation at earliest to get it at a cheaper rate. He had all the resources available sufficient funds, internet, access to booking sites etc. He would visit the respective websites, check rates on daily basis, but would not book.   He kept delaying it till the point when there were only few seats available and he could not delay any more. He did the booking paying three times more than the first day cost.

During one of our session, it came out that he faced financial crisis during his childhood and growing up age. This thought was so deeply embedded that his subconscious mind did not allow him to spend the money unless it becomes extremely important. Once he understood this belief, he slowly started to bring changes about the way money shall be handled. He is already making some good improvements.

This is just one of the example. I am trying to convey that each individual carries different beliefs and pride. Every decision of his life gets influenced by these beliefs and thoughts. If at all, you are facing issues related to Procrastination, try to understand the thoughts and beliefs which are affecting your behaviour. Do not see these as one odd event, try to look at the larger picture and understand why it is happening.

For any help, feel free to reach out and seek guidance. It is not a big issue, it can be easily handled and addressed.


Wish you best of everything

Friend and Life coach———————-Devesh Sinha


  • Dr Aparna bansore

    September 8, 2022 at 9:42 am

    Well said.
    Should be followed daily.


  • Sandhya kumari

    September 8, 2022 at 10:00 am



  • Aishwarya

    September 8, 2022 at 12:46 pm

    Today people learn from their own mistakes …not from others….but unfortunately there are only 10 to 15 percent of these …sad to say but the rest are not even learning


  • A K Sinha

    September 8, 2022 at 1:43 pm

    Well said anger is the biggest enemy of every one.
    Your study about human behaviour is very correct.We should adopt corrective action in life.


  • Amit

    September 14, 2022 at 8:19 am

    Well said and good approach. Personal experience is that, both ways have some advantages and disadvantages.


  • Binu Sebastian

    September 15, 2022 at 3:05 am

    Great insight!


  • Swarnim Priya

    September 22, 2022 at 8:56 am

    Well said, realizing the reason behind each and every action and further working on that “reason” could help us in improving our habits.
    This post of yours made me realize about all the things that I have been thinking of pursuing but delaying if further for no reason, It actually motivated me to act on all the significant decisions of mine.
    Thanks 🙂


  • Pratik malik

    October 24, 2022 at 5:24 am

    The example mentioned is so real sir, has happened with me most of the time, thus affecting financial capability, nicely explained sir.


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Expectations & Reality

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